Commercial Extractor Fan Repair
Commercial Kitchen Extractor Fan Repair
Restaurant Fan Repair
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    yes, extractor fans can be repaired, depending on which parts are faulty. Your commercial extractor fan engineer will be able to tell you if this fan can b repaired or not.

    Yes, electricians can fix extractor fans and install new one’s.

    Yes, it is a legal requirement for employees to provide ventilation in every closed workplace including kitchens. The HSE recommends mechanical extraction as a means of achieving effective kitchen ventilation.

    The workplace(Health, Safety, Welfare) Regulations 1992.

    In majority of the cases commercial kitchen extractor fan has broken down, this will need repairing or replacing.

    Yes, you can put a fan in a commercial kitchen but started fans will not decrease the overall temperature of your commercial kitchen. You will need a proper commercial extractor fan to maintain a comfortable working environment.

    The most common reason would be that the removable filters are blocked.